Monday, 4 May 2009

HIV: The Musical... Comedy... Satire.

This is a public hindrance announcement.

This year I have mostly been making a short film.

It is a comedy short film.

I co-wrote and directed it with my talented friend and colleague, Joseph Patrick.

Whether or not it will make people laugh remains to be seen.

We are currently in the final stages of the edit.

A sort-of-brief-but-sort-of-not-brief background of events can be found HERE.

There has also been some nice publicity for the premiere, which will be happening at Shoreditch Studios, London, on May 14th.

You can find the aforementioned 'nice publicity' HERE, THERE and EVERYWHERE.

If - for whatever reason - you have found yourself reading this blogpost and would like to watch our film, it is possible to WIN TICKETS.